Perl and Unicode

Because I always forget how to handle Unicode input/output in Perl .. a few notes to help jog my memory for next time:

Remember to use both and

use CGI qw(:standard);
use Encode qw(decode encode);

Handle webform input with Unicode characters:

my $input = decode('utf8', param('input'));

Prepare scalar variables to cope with Unicode characters:

my $output = encode('utf8', $input);

Declare the correct Content-Type when creating HTML:

print header(-type => 'text/html', -charset => 'utf-8');
print start_html(-title => 'Page with Unicode', -encoding => 'utf-8');

Now you can print your Unicode variables without error:

print div({-id => 'output'}, $output);

Dynamic IP script for Internode

WWW::Mechanize script for programmatically obtaining the current (dynamic) IPv4 and IPv6 addresses assigned to an Internode ADSL session:


use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::Mechanize;

## Get current session data for our Internode session

my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
my $user = ""; ## Enter Internode username
my $pass = ""; ## Enter Internode password

$mech->set_fields(username => $user, password => $pass);
$mech->follow_link (url_regex => qr/currentsessions/);

my $output = $mech->text();

## Locate IPv4 address in output
## ('IPv4:' on one side, '(dynamic)' on the other side)

my $v4_left = index ($output, "IPv4:") + 5;
my $v4_right = index ($output, "\(dynamic\)");

## Move IPv4 address in to its' own variable
## Remove new lines, leading and trailing spaces

my $ipv4 = substr $output, $v4_left, ($v4_right - $v4_left);
chomp $ipv4;
$ipv4 =~ s/^\s+//;
$ipv4 =~ s/\s+$//;

## Now do the same for the dynamically-assigned IPv6 address
## ('IPv6:' on one side, '(dynamic)' on the other side)

my $v6_left = index ($output, "IPv6:") + 5;
my $v6_right = rindex ($output, "\(dynamic\)");

## Move IPv6 address in to its' own variable
## Remove new lines, leading and trailing spaces

my $ipv6 = substr $output, $v6_left, ($v6_right - $v6_left);
chomp $ipv6;
$ipv6 =~ s/^\s+//;
$ipv6 =~ s/\s+$//;

## Print output

print "$ipv4\n";
print "$ipv6\n";
